Μία μικρή συνέντευξη ή καλύτερα δήλωση της ποιήτριας του punk rock Patti Smith, στον συνεργάτη μας normal.
The thing is that everybody’s fucking lonely, I mean, I had a beautiful husband who died, and I have a lonely life without him, but there are many beautiful things in life to live for. Everybody has to suffer and fight loneliness. It’s just… we have to… I can understand them that way, he was my [everything] and without him, I could learn who I was without him. It’s like, you have a drug and then you don’t have it, you have to get to know yourself without it. It’s difficult, and after that you find out many interesting things, you know what I mean? It’s very difficult, yes! But most great pursuits are difficult, and to get to know who you are, without something you lost, whether it’s your mother or your husband or your drug or your job, when you lose something that’s so important to you, the struggle it’s hard. My husband has been dead ten years now and I’m still on that journey, sometimes I am right in the middle of a song like tonight, I just felt him…just…. like that… I was actually in front with the guitar and it made a certain sound that reminded me that he was sonic.
Hello! This is Patti Smith, I hope that everyone will celebrate their life and not be afraid and remember that we all have the power to decide how we want to live our lives, I wish everyone strength and I send you all a salute! People have the power, bye! Oh, I know, gia sas!! Take care.
επιμέλεια avakas
1 σχόλιο:
έλα ρε! Έχουμε συνεργάτες με κονέξια; Πολύ ωραία τα είπε η Patti... Μου άρεσαν!
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